Reef Tank Part 3

Time to finish up the light canopy. I'll be running 4 florescent VHO lamps with an Icecap 660 ballast for a total of 440 watts of lighting.

I picked up a 4x8 sheet of 1/4" plywood and had it cut to size at Lowes and attached it to the frame with paneling nails.

next I measured for the risers to mount the endcaps for the bulbs, then i remeasured 10 more times and test fit before drilling pilot holes for mounting screws.
then I checked the fit and checked it again just to make sure.

I mounted the remaining lamps the same way and switched it on to test it out. (note:do not look directly at the lamps when you plug them in, i was seeing spots for 30 mins after)

Damn thats bright!

I finished up the top and mounted it to the hinges

Then i placed it on top of the tank and switched it on

perfect, now I have to mount the ballast, clean up the wiring , add the handle to the top ,add molding around the corners and stain it to match the stand.

when it rains...

it pours. It's been a rough couple of days around here. I get paid twice a month, the 10th and the 25th but due to x-mas I got paid on the 23rd and dont get another paycheck till the 10th, 18 long days, plus I used most of that check to buy x-mas presents for my daughter.

We used Genas paycheck to cover bills and buy a couch for our new place but what we didnt plan on was Genas truck having electrical issues so we spent $80 on a battery and that didnt solve the problem so we spent another $150 replacing the alternator.

Finally it seemed like it was all good to go but that night she left for work and called me to come get her. The truck broke down about halfway to work. To make matters worse, my bank account was empty and I had 1/8th of a tank of gas to get me to work the next day so i could get the $35 a coworker owed me for repairing his computer.

I managed to make it to where she had broke down, popped the hood and found that one of the clips from a wire on the alternator has vibrated loose. I pushed the clip on tight, jumped started the truck and followed her back home going very light on the gas pedal as opposed to my normally heavy foot. We got the truck home without any issues but my car was sucking fumes at that point and with all the unplanned expenses and all of the money we spent closing on the house and getting moved we were both flat broke till payday.

Luckily we had a big water jug with a bunch of change in it and we scrounged up $11.00 to put gas in the car. This is where not having a credit card can really suck.

I managed to make it to work and my coworker saved my ass by paying me the $35.00 he owed me and I was able to put enough gas in the car to cover me until payday.

If something isnt done about the price of gas rising we're all in deep trouble. Of course, nothing will be done about it and it will continue to rise. Oil company profits are at record highs and the bureaucrats are lining their pockets by protecting and subsidizing the oil companies. Add to that the fact the dollar is at an all time low, prices keep rising and our income is not keeping up.

That right there is why we decided to be more self sufficient, why pay for things that you can grow yourself? we can use the money for other things that we need like fuel.

Many People think Ron Paul is out of his mind but he's really trying to do what we are doing only on a large scale, take care of ourselves and don't rely on the government for anything. I think as prices continue to rise and people have less and less disposable income the idea of being self sufficient will catch on.

ok sheeple, that all for now


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